The story captures the mind of Faith McJarrow from the
daily messages of her journey, from the beginning, to the
end, of her pain and glory, of her 5 year struggle with
breast cancer. Taking her notes, with her permission, I
have written and added from the day I met her, where
she came from, to her graduation into Glory.
In my entire life as a Christian, through many countries, I
have never met a woman as strong as Faith was, in her
faith in Almighty God. There were hundreds, probably
thousands of people from the UK, South Africa, and USA all
following her story on Facebook.They answered her,
thanking her, for her encouragement. I pray this book will
be a blessing to those struggling; those who survived,
and those left behind...from Cancer.
Be encouraged by Faiths personal message before she
passed away. I do hope the link is still available.
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